Apparently to register a homemade boat (without a bill of sale) you have to go through their main office in Nashville. They assign you a hull number and then send the information to the Chattanooga office who then sends someone out to inspect the boat. Or maybe you have to go to them... not sure... Then after filling out all the required forms with them, you have to jump through the DMV's hoops (i think). *sigh*
[a couple hours later...]
I finally got a call from the guy in Nashville who emailed me a form to fill out. I did, and it is now in the mail. That wasn't too difficult. I just hope the rest of the registration process will be as painless!
This sounds like the not-so-fun part of the boat project. But at least it's one step closer. Thanks for posting progress for those of us who are keeping up with it!
Thanks for the comment, Jen! It's always nice to know that someone out there is reading my posts and that my blog isn't a complete waste of time.
Is there anyone else reading this? Comments are free. You can even remain anonymous if you want. You don't even have to be a blogspot member. It's quite painless, really. :)
Yeap! I'm interested because you're living a dream that I have as well.
This is all just Photoshop trickery. You're not building a real boat.
This sounds just way too easy! For being a governmental process, I expected much more red tape. Good luck. The pictures look good.
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